Monday, 17 December 2012



                          I could stay in a bed like this all day long.
                          Read and drink cocktails till my heart was content.

I don't want go out for weeks except to make a picnic trip to the mountains or to the beach.Other than that I want to fully get lost in a world of my own creating and making wonderful things.I want to avoid the silly season,the mad rush that seems to occur at this time of the year.
It's the end of the year again,time to reflect on what was,nourish my soul with some nature time and herald the coming new year.Let's all celebrate the end of the year with our love ones,love each other and take care of each other.

On a business note I'm having a sale on two of my beaded earrings  was $24.95 now $16.95 each on etsy,just click the pictures and it will take you to my etsy shop.I am also working on something new and cannot wait to reveal it to you all in good time.

Monday, 10 December 2012

Some pics of the sky I took a while back.
I love taking pictures of the sky.

Sunday, 9 December 2012

 Sometimes all I want to do is SCREAM.I want to bellow,holler, and screech out loud at the world and into the ether.

Sometimes all I want to do is scream,sometimes it's all I need to do to feel better.
Sometime I'm silent when I'm screaming on the inside  but most of the time I'm rambunctious about it.
Other days I'm quiet and  all I need is nature and lot's of green things and clear blue skies.
Nature has a way of soothing me,I guess it has that calming effect on most people.

Sitting down on a luscious piece of grass with a wonderful book to read is the most relaxing escape.Top it of with a fancy cocktail,it's utter perfection.
 love this.

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Is it so hard to let things just be ? to accept what is ? to accept the situation and do the very best that you can.Today I invite you all to accept your situation and be at peace with it even if it's only for a while.Go on try it,I will too.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Today I'm learning to let go
To Let go of past worries,present worries
To let go of my anxiety about the future
To let go of my troubles,heartache and stress
I surrender myself to my higher sacred self and I trust that the universe will provide for what I  need.
The process and journey is daunting.It might drive me crazy sometimes but I caught a glimpse of it's eternal beauty and calmness today whilst seating on my couch thinking about my disheveled self.
Thank you for revealing yourself to me.
You will find your own solace and harmony amongst the chaos, just calm yourself and be still.
 Listen to your inner wisdom and it shall be beautiful.
Explore the wide open road to your heart and soul,if you find your road is narrow,don't worry it will get bigger as long as you don't give up.
You have a map to your heart,read it with excitement.

The gypsy mermaid called out  to the sea for help and the sea responded by sending her to the surface to view the most magnificent amber sky.                                 

Sunday, 2 December 2012

My birthday camera,a present from my beautiful friend.

Life is for living not merely existing.Life is for dreaming wonderful things and turning some of those thoughts into reality.Life is for strange adventures,swimming in the ocean,laughing until it hurts,loving intensely,feeling many beautiful things to do with one's life.

Saturday, 1 December 2012

                                           Hello,do you wear flowers in your hair ?

feathers and flowers are two of my favorites things.
Embrace the divine in you.When we see feathers in our midst it means that we should  lighten up.
Laugh at silly things,laugh at serious things,it will make you feel better in some way.
Somehow each of us must find  the joy  if not the hope and strength in any challenging situation.
Keep your heart open ♥♥♥

Friday, 30 November 2012

Dreaming of open wide spaces and a room full of books.

Thursday, 29 November 2012

 Look up at the sky and smile.Be bold and free.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012


 I can feel the coolness of the ocean  and it is so cleansing
Celebrate life in it's glorious entirety.Be brave and face the world.