Monday, 20 May 2013

DIY Deodorant.

I finally at long last made my own deodorant.....good news it's not a stinker !
It works well and I'm blissfully happy that I'm no longer using commercial made deodorant.
This stuff is great as it doesn't contain any nasty chemicals and it's cheap too !

So here's what you need to do if you would like to make your very own.

You need :
 3  T Baking soda
 2 T  Arrowroot powder
 3 T  Coconut oil

What you gotta do:
Melt your coconut oil in a pot, once melted pour into your container,I used a glass jar and mix the rest of the stuff in.Give it a good stir and let it sit until it is cool  and no longer liquid.So there you go,you just made your very own deodorant, hope you love it as much as I do.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Bookmark this.

How cute is this ? pretty cute I think and so easy to make.All you need is an envelope,pretty paper,scissors and glue. I used origami paper for my free form heart and I used an old map for the other heart. I followed this tutorial  for the heart map on this blog.I love this  blog, it's full of  wonderful creative activities and gorgeous pictures of things she's made.
I'm thinking of making a few for my bookish friends and you could even use scrap fabrics.Have you made a bookmark before ? Anyways back to reading my Neil Young autobiography ,Waging Heavy Peace, so far so good.